10 keys to start learning Python

Python is still strong in the world of programming. For several reasons this language, which takes several decades of filming, is highly valued today and many people have chosen to choose it as an option to enter the world of programming. I have already told you about what Python is, this time I will point out the 10 main reasons why we should start learning Python:

Simple and clear syntax: perhaps the most relevant key for those who want to start learning to program. Python can be a very interesting gateway to the world of programming. Its syntax is simple and direct, allowing you to save keys and also the semicolon at the end of the declarations. Usually, when Python is purchased with other programming languages, we will see that we can do the same with fewer lines of code. It is also easily readable, a very valuable aspect when someone is starting to learn to program and wants to review the code they wrote. Python training in Bangladesh

Multiparadigm: it is also a feature that can simplify learning for those who do not have previous programming experience since it will not be necessary to start with a particular paradigm. For example, you can learn simpler structures at the beginning, then understand what functional programming is like and finally move on to the Object Orientation part. Of course, programmers who already have experience can go directly through the paradigm with which they are already familiar.

Multiplatform: no matter what operating system we are working on, surely Python will be there for us. Windows, Linux, Unix, Solaris macOS, and even iOS are some of the most popular options. To learn more about the downloads we can enter: https://www.python.org/downloads/

Easy to integrate with our code editor: most modern publishers can work with Python. And many of them do not require additional plugins to get started. For example, Visual Studio Code allows you to choose Python among its programming languages that are included in your installation. To learn how to choose the programming language in Visual Studio Code we can read the following article: https://damiandeluca.com.ar/como-elegir-el-lenguaje-de-programacion-en-visual-studio-code

It offers solutions for very current needs: Big Data and Data Science are key specialties of the times in which we live. Python is a language widely used in these areas because it is ideal for specialists in these fields who do not want to enter more complex programming languages to learn.

Great community: Python already has several decades of life and is maintained with an undoubted vitality in the times. These factors are strengthened by a large number of developers around the world and a large amount of content on the Web, which will be useful to take the first steps.

We can use it with our Web projects: in this sense, it is important to mention that browsers include JavaScript, so we should not think of Python as a replacement for this client-side language. On the contrary, Python can be a great alternative for the server-side. And this can be enhanced with the use of frameworks, such as Django. This is why if we want to develop on the backend side, we can give Python an opportunity in this regard.

Many libraries available: from mathematical calculations to options to explore various data structures, everything can be simpler with specific libraries. Working with Big Data can be very complicated, but we can reduce this complexity a bit if we rely on specific libraries for this matter, as well as Machine learning, statistics, mining, and data analysis.

Free software: a very important feature as it facilitates the growth of language without borders. This allows it to be an option available for a wide range of projects of different types. And an extra advantage is that we will have documentation and free source code of the language at our disposal.

Database connection: Python has easy connection and interaction with relational databases, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL, but also for those based on JSON format, such as MongoDB. This versatility gives us independence in choosing the type of database for our projects.

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