Roof repair: what are the steps prior to the site?
Roof repair work cannot be decided overnight. The project must be thought out in advance and certain rules must be taken into consideration. On the other hand, some diagnostics must also be carried out beforehand in order to assess the nature and scope of the work. Here is something to enlighten you about a perfectly executed site.
Focus on administrative procedures
In view of the nature of your work and your wishes, certain town planning authorizations may be necessary. Also, in all cases and even when it comes to an identical repair of your roof, it is strongly recommended to go to your town hall for information to make sure that the type of cover existing is always allowed. In addition, if you wish to change the materials of your roof repair san antonio (switching from tiles to slate for example), a declaration of work is mandatory. The same is true if you want to add openings or change the appearance of existing roof windows.In the context of a vertical extension (raising) or a modification of the inclination of the slope of the roof, you must imperatively go through the declaration of work or building permit box. Do not hesitate to inquire beforehand with your municipality to find out about any local regulations, especially if you live in a heritage protection zone (ABF zone).
Focus on roof control and associated diagnostics
When renovating or repairing a roof, it is important not to neglect essential steps that can influence the nature of the work. Here are the checks and diagnostics to perform.Control of the correct flow of rainwater
The first thing to check when undertaking roof repairs is the water path. Carried out by a professional, this control will take into account the slope of the roof to ensure that it meets current standards. Indeed, it plays a very important role in the good flow of rainwater but also for wind resistance and the strength of the structure in general. These standards are not always the same depending on the region and depend on multiple factors such as the climate of the region in which you live, the wind exposure of your home, the height of the frame, or the type of roofing. These very precise calculations must be carried out either by an architect or by a roofer.Complementary diagnostics
Calling on the expertise of a professional, it is strongly recommended to carry out three additional diagnoses in order to avoid the risks of asbestos, xylophagous insects, and heat loss. By examining with precision the roof and the wooden frame, the diagnostician will be able to give you precise indications on the presence or not of asbestos or xylophagous and will be able to inform you of the state of your insulation.For your diagnoses, do not hesitate to ask for the realization of several quotes in order to have an element of comparison and to obtain the best quality-price ratio.
Asbestos removal price
If your house was built before 1997, it is advisable to have an asbestos diagnosis carried out in order to verify its presence or not. In fact, before its ban date, asbestos was very present in fiber cement and artificial slate roofing. This study must be performed by a certified asbestos diagnostician. For the diagnosis alone, a cost of between 70 and 160 euros must be expected. If total removal of materials containing asbestos is envisaged, count between 25 and 50 euros per square meter. Please note that aid issued by the ANAH (National Agency for Housing) may be granted to you as part of your work.Price of xylophage treatment
To detect the presence of xylophagous insects in your wooden frame, the intervention of a carpenter or a roofer is necessary. Note that some areas such as the southwest region and Corsica are more likely to harbor termites. For a frame treatment, you need to count a price ranging between 20 and 35 euros per square meter of the frame. However, if the total renovation is required, the budget to be expected is much higher: between 10,000 and 20,000 euros. Here again, aids delivered by the Anah can be considered.Thermal evaluation price
Roof repair often goes hand in hand with insulation. The thermal assessment allows you to have an overview of the energy performance of your home and to plan any improvement work. Plan a budget of between 800 and 1200 euros for its realization. Even if the investment may seem high, the energy savings generated thereafter quickly make it profitable. In addition, many state aid can be obtained as part of energy renovation work.After these various checks, it is time to choose the craftsman to whom you are going to entrust your work. To do this, remember to check that your roofer has the necessary professional and insurance certificates.
How is the roof repair work carried out?
Checking that your home's roof repair is going well is not necessarily an easy task since you should never climb on the roof at the risk of endangering yourself. Consequently, the only way to ensure the good progress of your work is to follow the various key stages which are described below.Removing the cover
Delicate to carry out, the removal of the covering is nevertheless essential for all roof repairs. To do this, the craftsman begins by putting in place a waterproofing sheet generally made of polyethylene in order to be able to quickly guarantee the waterproofing of the roof in the event of bad weather. This tarpaulin is also intended to protect the frame of the house since once all the elements of the old cover have been removed, the frame is laid bare.Installation of sealing elements
In order to further increase the waterproofing of the roof, the installation of an under-roof screen (HPV) is mandatory in the case of the complete renovation of the roof. Its installation limits the risk of infiltration into the home specifically around sensitive points such as the chimney or the antenna, or if a tile were to be moved by a gust of wind. It also preserves the technical qualities of the attic insulation while improving the airtightness of the building: a good point for reducing energy bills! Placed between the frame and the roofing material, it is in the form of a flexible or rigid thin film.Laying the cover
On a plan, the craftsman proceeds to the layout of the cover. The fixing of the roofing support (counter-slats and battens, extension rail, ventilated batten, etc.) and the roofing elements (partition, strip, and edge strips) is followed by the installation of the chosen roof covering (tiles, slates, zinc, etc.). It is necessary to pay particular attention to flashings that ensure the tightness around roof windows, chimneys, etc.Once the tile, slate, or zinc has been installed, the roofer then proceeds to the implementation and installation of the zinc work (gutters, downspouts, etc.).
End of the work
Once the roof of your house has been refurbished, you must draw up an acceptance report for the work in the presence of the craftsman. This step is not to be taken lightly and it is advisable to carefully check the correct connection of the galvanized elements, the flashings and the connections with the roof windows, the installation of the edge tiles, and the strip.Note: in the event of poor workmanship noted within 10 after the work acceptance report, it is recommended that you keep all the documents relating to your site (quotes, invoices, technical datasheets for materials, site reports, etc.